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Guiding Your Journey
to Academic Success 

Guiding Your Journey to Academic Success 

Huddle will help you guide the maze of college admissions, scholarships, and career readiness. This journey is yours to embrace, and we’re here to provide you with personalized guidance, expert advice, application counseling and a community that stands by your side every step of the way. 


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Columbia University

Princeton University

Yale University

Brown University

Dartmouth College

University of

& More

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Free intro meeting

Free Intro Meeting

Your journey to college readiness starts here, and to help we’re offering a free intro call with any university expert on our platform. Let Huddle help make your next career move a little easier!

Your journey to college readiness starts here, and to help we’re offering a free intro call with any university expert on our platform. Let Huddle help make your next career move a little easier!

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Guidance Tailored for College Aspirants:

Your aspirations are unique, and your journey deserves personal attention. Huddle connects you with individuals who have firsthand experience navigating the college landscape. Whether you’re curious about the application process, scholarships, or career readiness, our platform empowers you to ask questions and receive genuine, actionable advice.

Guidance Tailored for College Aspirants
Guidance Tailored for College Aspirants

Revolutionizing Connections with AI Matchmaking

Your aspirations are unique, and your journey deserves personal attention. Huddle connects you with individuals who have firsthand experience navigating the college landscape. Whether you’re curious about the application process, scholarships, or career readiness, our platform empowers you to ask questions and receive genuine, actionable advice.

Meet Our University Insiders to Discuss

Meet a Huddle Professional
to discuss: 

International Visa Requirements

Financial Aid & Scholarships Opportunities

University / Program Fit  

Essay & Application Reviews 

Sports & Extracurricular Activities 

Career Paths and Readiness

How Huddle Stacks Up

How Huddle Stacks Up 

Increased Acceptance Rates: Students who engage with our Academic Advantage program have shown a 80% increase in acceptance rates to their top-choice universities.


Guidance That Matters: 9 out of 10 Huddle users reported feeling more confident in their college application journey after connecting with university insiders and admissions experts on our platform


Wide Range of Expertise: Our experts cover over 50 different majors and disciplines, ensuring you get specialized advice no matter your field of interest.

Increased Acceptance Rates: Students who engage with our Academic Advantage program have shown a 80% increase in acceptance rates to their top-choice universities.


Guidance That Matters: 9 out of 10 Huddle users reported feeling more confident in their college application journey after connecting with university insiders and admissions experts on our platform


Wide Range of Expertise: Our experts cover over 50 different majors and disciplines, ensuring you get specialized advice no matter your field of interest.

How Huddle Stacks Up

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Step into the world of possibilities with Huddle’s Academic Advantage. Let Huddle be your path to college success!

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With this invite-only program, Huddle let's you earn money and/or support your favorite charity by mentoring young professionals & recent graduates.

Unlock Your Network.

With this invite-only program, Huddle let's you earn money and/or support your favorite charity by mentoring young professionals & recent graduates.